Mares for AI - Terms & Conditions
Booking Form: All owners/agents are required to fill in and sign the clinic booking form when they bring their horse to Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic. This can be done below before arriving. If the horse is sent with a third party, the form must be completed and signed before the mare arrives. Reproduction work will not start until the required forms are completed, signed and received in the Clinic office.
Passports: It is a legal requirement that horses are accompanied to the clinic with their passport. For horses born after 1st July 2009 regulations require horse passports to be linked to a Microchip Identification. If Section 9 of the passport is not signed, Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic reserve the right to sign this section if drugs are administered which require this to be done. Copies of the relevant passport pages can be uploaded here.
Insurance: Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic accepts no responsibility for visiting horses and does not carry insurance cover; it is the owner’s responsibility to provide their own insurance cover.
Horses whilst at Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic will receive every possible care, attention and supervision, but the Clinic accepts no responsibility whatsoever for accident, theft or disease, nor does the Clinic give any express or implied guarantee of success.
All mares are scanned and inseminated at their owner’s risk and the Clinic is not liable for any damages or compensation in respect of any injury or damage howsoever caused to any horse, including (but not limited to) that caused through AI. Owners must accept that while their horse is at Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic, it is at their risk – no responsibility for the animal and any belongings can be accepted by the Clinic and all liability claims, damages, costs, loss and expense of any kind whatsoever are hereby expressly excluded.
The Clinic is not responsible for semen supplied which is: incorrectly labelled, arrives with incorrect paperwork or in an unsuitable condition upon arrival. Similarly the Clinic is not responsible for the failure of semen to arrive on time.
Frozen semen stored at Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic on behalf of stallion and mare owners is done so at their own risk and they are responsible for insurance of the semen. The Clinic reserves the right to charge for the storage of any frozen semen if it is held over from one stud season to the next. If semen is to be stored please read and sign the Frozen Semen Disclaimer.
Dooneen Equine Veterinary Clinic reserves the right to refuse entry to any horse in the event that any of these conditions are not complied with or where they consider that horse to be an unacceptable health and safety risk or for any such reason.
In the event of an emergency every effort will be made to contact you immediately but veterinary treatment may be administered to your mare or foal if immediately necessary or if you cannot be reached. Any charges will be payable on discharge.
All fees are subject to VAT at 13.5%
Payment is due in full on collection of the mare.
All fees must be paid before the mare leaves the clinic. We reserve the right to charge a deposit at the time of the horse’s arrival, which will be deducted from the horse’s final invoice. Owners who send a third party to collect their horse must make arrangements to pay in advance of collection.
Payment may be made online, in cash or by debit or credit card or by bank transfer.
Mares will not be allowed to leave before payment is made in full.